
Don't Overlook Your Home Remodeling Options

Custom Home Planning Guide To Create A Fusion Of Classic Style And Modern Design

If you are planning a custom home project, you may want the architecture to have a classic style, but the plans to be more modern. There are features that are important for modern home design, such as an open-concept in the main living space. There are also areas like exterior architecture where you may want to have a more classic style for your home. The following custom home planning guide will help you fuse classic styles together with modern home design:

Open-concepts for Interior Layouts—The interior layout of your custom home design should have an open-concept design. This is an important design feature for the main living and gathering spaces, such as the kitchen, living room, and dining room areas. These areas can be one open space and divided by finishes in the interior design that helps separate and make individual spaces distinct. There are other areas where you may want to use a more open design, such as in bathrooms and the master bedroom.  

Traditional Exteriors with Modern Features—The design of the exterior of your home can have a more traditional architectural style. Even with more traditional architectural styles, modern materials can be used for the finishes. Some of the options for modern materials on traditional architectural designs include:

  • Synthetic stucco
  • Masonry veneers
  • Fiber cement siding 
  • Vinyl siding
  • Composite molding and trim details

These are some of the modern materials that you can use for the exterior design of traditional architectural designs. Use these modern building materials for traditional designs that last when building your new custom home.

Lighting Fixtures with a Classic Style and Modern Wiring—There are also light fixtures that can be installed in your home for a more traditional design. The light fixtures can be replicas with modern lighting or antique light fixtures that have been rewired. You may also want to add backlighting features to the moldings in areas of your home to give traditional trim modern lighting.

Repurposing Reclaimed Materials in Modern Custom Homes—You can also repurpose reclaimed building materials in your custom home design. These materials can be used for things like lighting, wood finishes with reclaimed lumber, and flooring from reclaimed materials. These repurposed materials can be used throughout your new home for finishes and accent details for the interior design.

Use these features to fuse classic architecture styles with modern designs for your custom home. Contact a custom home builder, and ask about modern design with classic style when planning your home.

About Me

Don't Overlook Your Home Remodeling Options

When I purchased my first home, I loved it. However, I was soon eager to move on to find a new home that would have an additional bedroom that my aging parents could live in. Once I glanced at the local houses for sale, I quickly realized that there was not one that would fit our needs at a price I could afford. I decided to speak with a local contractor to see if adding an addition to my existing home was possible and if it would fit into my relatively small budget. I was greatly surprised to find out that I could afford the addition and, eventually, my parents were able to move in with me. I learned so much about home remodeling projects during this experience that I am eager to share my advice with others who could use it on my new blog!


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